New Event written by Marion Hallows
1957 July 25
Created by JULIE 15 years ago
My Dearest Karen Marie,on Ju;y 25th. 1957, in a little cottage hospital in Wales, I gave birth to you, my first childand a brightness came into the lives of your Dad and myselfat the time when he was doing 2yrs. National Service in oswestry Army Camp. When you were handed to me I knew you were special,your skin was creamy pink and softas rose petals and your golden hair curled on the top of your head, you never cried. I breast fed you 'on demand' and you were a really contented baby. You brought joy with your smile and as you grew so did the bond we shared. When you left us Karen part of me went with you but part of you stayed with me and always will. You loved Angels and now you are with them forever in a beautiful place where there is no pain. Craig is doing really well and sends you all his love. xxxxxx We will celebrate your birthday in a happy way, just as you wanted- and yes Leigh got the Champagne you left for her, but you knew that anyway didn't you!!(smiles).Enjoy yourself with your Angels today, have fun as you always did and one day I will hold you close and tell you again how much you were and are loved by all your family and friens. Happy Bithday Karen - Mam. xxxxxxx